Monday, October 20, 2008

Final Postcard


Justin Schulte said...

At first I wanted to say that this was a positive interpretation of the image, upon looking closer I decided otherwise. I think that the colors are a bit to dingy (the yellows and greens) for this object to be portrayed positively. Also the condition of the matchbook as well as the matches suggests that this particular matchbook has been used several times or has just simply been neglected. This makes me feel as if this object is not of that much importance. The condition of the matchbook itself leads me to believe that it has just been used which also can provide a very mischievous tone to this picture. Was it used to start a fire in someone fireplace or to burn down an enemies house. I think the white background is keeping it from becoming a truly negative image. It makes me feel as if it was used for simpler reasons rather than a more diabolical one. The image is being transmitted representationally, it is a straight forward shot of a matchbook, the only thing altered is maybe the colors in the photo. I think that the visual noise shown in this photo through the color and quality of the image changed my view of it from a positive to a negative, it's amazing how something as simple as color can effect the entire interpretation of the photo.

Jessica said...

I was going for a negative connotation with this postcard. My connotation was based more than just color choice however. Quince really did do a great job when he interrupted my image in class. My negative connotation was based on the way the object was position within the photograph. The matchbook to me is taking on the qualities of animal growling, the matches being teeth or the cover being a jaw. Also, the matchbook is a gem. The graphic design really makes you want to cry, it's that good. By not showing the great qualities of the matchbook, I'm not showing it in its most positive light.